Dua Before and After Eating – Qurani Duayen

Eating is an important part of our life. We need as much as necessary nutrients to live and for our development and growth. The religion of Islam is so holistic that it also addresses matters pertaining to the kinds of food we eat, healthy nutritional tips, and even how we should eat, as mentioned in the prophetic habit.

Dua Before and After Eating

Dua before Eating

There are many Dua’s in Islam concerning all aspects of our life among them dua that we pray before and after eating that we know from the Sunnah.

The first thing you must do before you start eating your meal is to say Bismillah, which means ‘In The Name of Allah’.

Dua before Eating

Dua after Eating

Just like there is a dua to say before eating, there is a dua proved by the Sunnah to say when you finish your food “dua after eating”

Dua after Eating

Dua after Eating